Entertaining and Thought-Provoking
Sonoma Arts Live’s production of “The Prom” captivates and engages from start to finish, entertaining you while making you think. Directed by Jonathen Blue, with music direction by Dr. Christina Howell and produced by Jaime Love, this show cleverly blends humor, heart, and social commentary.
The story centers around four Broadway stars who, in an attempt to revitalize their reputations, rally behind a courageous high school girl, Emma, who faces discrimination for wanting to bring her girlfriend to the prom. The narrative seamlessly blends comedy, heartfelt moments, and social commentary, creating a show that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.
The performances are excellent. Hannah Passanisi portrays Emma Nolan with depth and authenticity, delivering a moving portrayal of resilience and vulnerability. Pilar Gonzales, making her SAL debut, plays Alyssa Greene with warmth and charm. Julia Holsworth captures the strictness and complexity of Mrs. Greene, Alyssa’s mother, perfectly.
The Broadway stars are a particular delight to watch. Dani Beem delivers a powerful performance as the diva Dee Dee Allen, while Tim Setzer’s portrayal of the flamboyant Barry Glickman is both humorous and touching. Chelsea Smith and Jeremy Berrick, as Angie Dickinson and Trent Oliver respectively, bring great energy and charisma to their roles. Kudos to Tim Setzer and Chelsea Smith for their standout performances. The show comes alive in the second half when the Broadway stars get to show off, adding an extra layer of excitement and flair to the production.
The musical numbers are vibrant and captivating, with choreography that is both intricate and energetic. Songs like “Just Breathe” and “Unruly Heart” are standout moments, showcasing the cast’s vocal prowess and emotional range. The ensemble performances are equally impressive, contributing to the dynamic and engaging atmosphere of the production.
The set design and costumes add to the visual appeal, creating a colorful and immersive environment that transports the audience into the heart of the story. The attention to detail in the production design reflects the high standards of Sonoma Arts Live, enhancing the overall experience.
Beyond its entertainment value, “The Prom” delivers a powerful message about acceptance, love, and the importance of standing up for one’s rights. It addresses issues of homophobia and bigotry with sensitivity and nuance, encouraging the audience to reflect on these important social themes.
Sonoma Arts Live’s “The Prom” is a go-see production that combines humor, heart, and a powerful message in a brilliantly executed show. It is a testament to the talent and dedication of the cast and crew, and is highly recommended to anyone looking for a memorable and impactful theater experience.