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Flora Lynn Isaacson

Ross Valley Players 95th Season Opens with Crossing Delancey

By September 15, 2024No Comments

Ross Valley Players opens its 95thseason with Crossing Delanceyby Susan Sandler, September 13-October 13 at the Barn Theater in Ross.

Director Adrian Elfenbaum returns to RVP after directing It’s a Wonderful Life-A Live Radio Play(a fabulous show) last December. This fall, he thought it would be nice to “present a fun, romantic comedy, a love story enriched by its celebration of classic Jewish humor.”

The story is set in New York, in the fall of 1985. Elfenbaum explains the character Izzy (Lisa Morse) “is at a romantic crossroad, deciding whether to take a chance on Tyler (Steve Price), the charming, aloof writer or Sam (Mark P. Robinson), the humble pickle seller.”  Izzy’s grandmother Bubbie (Tamar Cohn) and Hannah, the matchmaker (Jennifer McGeorge) are the “comic engine” for the story according to Elfenbaum.

Special thanks to Producer Steve Price and Mikiko Uesugi for her lovely Set Design.

Coming up next at Ross Valley Players is Blithe Spiritby Noel Coward, November 15-December 15.